Monday, April 20, 2009

LTTE !!! Let them go...!!

I'll join the protesters on parliament hill, or any of the protests currently being being staged in Canada. Heck I'll even wave one of their bloody red and yellow Terrorists flags, I'll do whatever, as long as the LTTE promise to release the poor civilians they are holding hostage...

The LTTE terrorist group are right bastards; cowering behind civilians and abusing the very people they claim to protect while accusing all and sundry of genocide. Its like lying down in front of a Toronto Transit Corp diesel-electric bus and yelling murder when the front wheels thump over one's ribcage.

The video embedded below highlights some of the suffering the civilians being held hostage by the LTTE are subjected too. Before you watch it be warned; its gruesome and has graphic pictures of injured civilians trudging their way to safety after fleeing the LTTE Terrorists.

....I'll even yell anti-government slogans and throw bottles at passing traffic like they did in France yesterday. Heck, I'll do anything just as along as the hypocritical LTTE terrorist sympathizers agree to free the civilians being held hostage, I'm down.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Tigers do not represent anyone : Lord Naseby

Lord Naseby a Conservative peer and chairman of the all-party British-Sri Lanka group has stated that LTTE does not represent the Tamils and either they should surrender or face the risk of being wiped out.

He recently visited Sri Lanka and upon his return reported human rights abuses by the LTTE Terrorists. Embedded below is a video clip where he describes how the LTTE terrorist group has victimized Tamil people and are currently using Tamil civilians as human shields:

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

An excerpt from a brilliant post by David Blacker about the LTTE Terrorist and the current status quo in Sri Lanka:

As the war against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam grinds inexorably towards certain defeat for the self-proclaimed representatives of the Tamil nation, there seems to be no great fanfare, no glorious last stands. This revolution dies not with a bang, but with whimpers and cowardice. And lies......Now, as the world watches, a mortally wounded Tiger cowers behind the very people it claims to defend, mauling them as it dies.
Read the full article here

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Red Cross (ICRC) as well as the UN confirm that the LTTE are using civilians as human shields

An excerpt that was taken from the "Situation Report" at

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) as well as the UN confirm that the LTTE are using civilians as human shields.

With only 28km of land area currently controlled by the LTTE, anyone of a fighting age is forcibly recruited into the LTTE and civilians attempting to flee are being shot, chased and often killed.

Only those that are of no use to the LTTE, the severely injured, the children and the elderly are allowed to leave and even then, only when they have managed to flee and reach the ICRC boat loading area.

Before being loaded onto a boat, a medical decision (Triage) is made as to whether each civilian can survive the journey. Those that are determined high risk are left to die.

The ICRC are, under instruction of the State, now bringing boats ashore in Pulmoddai, from the conflict zone. These boats arrive every few days and carry approximately 480 civilians.

Of those civilians arriving via ICRC boats, a third are seriously injured, a third have relatively minor injuries and the remaining third are bystanders accompanying the injured.

Civilian arrivals are registered, tagged and treated by the Indian & Sri Lankan doctors at Pulmodai Field Hospital. Later, some patients (with bystanders) are transferred to Padaviya Hospital and some stay overnight and then transferred. Those that arrive with no injury and not accompanying any injured are transferred to Padaviya for overnight stay.

Once emergency medical treatment is provided and patients are stabilized, the injured fit enough for travel are then dispatched to Vavuniya Hospital.

Medical supplies to hospitals in the warzone

ACT Sri Lanka is an organization providing relief to Sri Lankan civilians affected by the war. They recently returned after delivering medical supplies such as:





* Morphine
* Pethadine
* Dichlofenac (Volteron)
* Tramadol


* Ciprofloxocin
* Co-Amoxiclav





as well as non-medical supplies such as roll out mattresses, crutches etc to Vavuniya Hospital while is lies adjacent to the war front in Sri Lanka and is the main hospital where civilian casualties are sent.

More details are available via their website.